KITE API Reference¶
- class aio_trader.kite.Kite(enctoken: str | None = None, access_token: str | None = None, logger: Logger | None = None)¶
Unofficial implementation of Zerodha Kite API using aiohttp for async requests
- Parameters:
enctoken (Optional[str]) – Optional Web or browser token from a previous login
access_token (Optional[str]) – Api login token from a previous login
logger (Optional[logging.Logger]) – Instance of logging.Logger
All arguments are Optional
if not provided will initialize a default logging.Logger instance.enctoken
if available can be reused to login.# Successful request HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "status": "success", "data": {} } # Failed request HTTP/1.1 500 Server error Content-Type: application/json { "status": "error", "message": "Error message", "error_type": "GeneralException" }
- async Kite.authorize(**kwargs) None ¶
Authorize the User
- Parameters:
user_id (Optional[str]) – Kite Web user-id
password (Optional[str]) – Kite Web password
twofa (str | Callable | None) – An optional OTP string or Callable that returns OTP
request_token (Optional[str]) – KiteConnect request_token
api_key (Optional[str]) – KiteConnect api key. Required if access_token is passed
secret (Optional[str]) – KiteConnect secret
- Raises:
ValueError – if one of request_token or secret or api_key is provided but others are missing.
WEB login - requires
KiteConnect login - requires
from web login is stored in a cookie file and reused.
If no arguments passed, defaults to web login using interactive prompt
was provided, update the headers and returnIf
are provided, proceed to KiteConnect loginElse proceed with WEB login.
Check if cookie file exists and not expired. Load the enctoken, update the headers and return
If no cookie file exists or has expired, prompt for missing arguments, request the enctoken, update the headers and return.
- async Kite.instruments(exchange: str | None = None) bytes ¶
Return a CSV dump of all tradable instruments in binary format
with Kite() as kite: data = await kite.instruments(kite.EXCHANGE_NSE) with open('instruments.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(data)
import pandas as pd import io # Load data into pandas Dataframe df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(data), index_col='tradingsymbol')
- async Kite.quote(instruments: str | Collection[str]) dict ¶
Return the full market quotes - ohlc, OI, bid/ask etc
instrument identified by exchange:tradingsymbol example. NSE:INFY
- Parameters:
instruments – A str or collection of instruments
- Raises:
ValueError – If length of instruments collection exceeds 500
await kite.quote('NSE:INFY') await kite.quote(['NSE:INFY', 'NSE:RELIANCE', 'NSE:HDFCBANK'])
- async Kite.ohlc(instruments: str | Collection[str]) dict ¶
Returns ohlc and last traded price
instrument identified by exchange:tradingsymbol example. NSE:INFY
- Parameters:
instruments – A str or collection of instruments
- Raises:
ValueError – If length of instruments collection exceeds 1000
await kite.ohlc('NSE:INFY') await kite.ohlc(['NSE:INFY', 'NSE:RELIANCE', 'NSE:HDFCBANK'])
- async Kite.ltp(instruments: str | Collection[str]) dict ¶
Returns the last traded price
instrument identified by exchange:tradingsymbol example. NSE:INFY
- Parameters:
instruments – A str or collection of instruments
- Raises:
ValueError – If length of instruments collection exceeds 1000
await kite.ltp('NSE:INFY') await kite.ltp(['NSE:INFY', 'NSE:RELIANCE', 'NSE:HDFCBANK'])
- async dict ¶
Return the list of long term equity holdings
- async Kite.positions() dict ¶
Retrieve the list of short term positions
- async Kite.auctions() dict ¶
Retrieve the list of auctions that are currently being held
- async Kite.margins(segment: str | None = None) dict ¶
Returns funds, cash, and margin information for the user for equity and commodity segments
- Parameters:
segment (Optional[str]) – One of equity or commodity
- async Kite.profile() dict ¶
Retrieve the user profile
- async Kite.historical_data(instrument_token: str, from_dt: datetime | str, to_dt: datetime | str, interval: str, continuous=False, oi=False) dict ¶
Return historical candle records for a given instrument.
- Parameters:
instrument_token (str)
from_dt (datetime.datetime | str) – ISO format datetime string or datetime
to_dt (datetime.datetime | str) – ISO format datetime string or datetime
interval (str) – minute, day, 3minute, 5minute, 10minute, 15minute, 30minute, 60minute
continuous (bool) – Pass True to get continuous data (F & O)
oi (bool) – Pass True to get OI data (F & O)
- async Kite.place_order(variety: str, exchange: str, tradingsymbol: str, transaction_type: str, quantity: int, product: str, order_type: str, price: float | None = None, validity: str | None = None, validity_ttl: int | None = None, disclosed_quantity: int | None = None, trigger_price: float | None = None, iceberg_legs: int | None = None, iceberg_quantity: int | None = None, auction_number: str | None = None, tag: str | None = None) dict ¶
Place an order of a particular variety
- Parameters:
variety (str) – One of regular, co, amo, iceberg, auction
exchange (str,) – One of NSE, BSE, NFO, CDS, BFO, MCX, BCD
tradingsymbol (str) – Stock symbol name
transaction_type (str) – One of BUY or SELL
quantity (int) – Quantity to transact
product (str) – One of MIS, CNC, NRML, CO
order_type – One of MARKET, LIMIT, SL-M, SL
price (Optional[float] = None,) – The price to execute the order at (for LIMIT orders)
validity (Optional[str] = None) – One of DAY, IOC, TTL
validity_ttl (Optional[int] = None,) – Order life span in minutes for TTL validity orders
disclosed_quantity (Optional[int] = None) – Disclosed quantity (for equity trades)
trigger_price (Optional[float] = None) – Price at which an order should trigger (SL, SL-M)
iceberg_legs (Optional[int] = None) – Total number of legs for iceberg order type (Between 2 and 10)
iceberg_quantity (Optional[int] = None) – Split quantity for each iceberg leg order (qty/iceberg_legs)
auction_number (Optional[str] = None) – A unique identifier for a particular auction
tag (Optional[str] = None) – An optional tag to identify an order (alphanumeric, max 20 chars)
Parameters are not validated
- async Kite.modify_order(variety: str, order_id: str, quantity: int | None = None, price: float | None = None, order_type: str | None = None, trigger_price: float | None = None, validity: str | None = None, disclosed_quantity: int | None = None) dict ¶
Modify an open order.
- Parameters:
variety (str) – One of regular, co, amo, iceberg, auction
order_id (str)
quantity (Optional[int] = None)
price (Optional[float] = None)
order_type (Optional[str] = None)
trigger_price (Optional[float] = None)
validity (Optional[str] = None)
disclosed_quantity (Optional[int] = None)
- async Kite.cancel_order(variety: str, order_id: str) dict ¶
Cancel an order.
- Parameters:
variety (str) – One of regular, co, amo, iceberg, auction
order_id (str)
- async Kite.orders() dict ¶
Get list of all orders for the day
- async Kite.order_history(order_id: str) dict ¶
Get history of individual orders
- Parameters:
order_id (str)
- async Kite.trades() dict ¶
Get the list of all executed trades for the day
- async Kite.order_trades(order_id: str) dict ¶
Get the the trades generated by an order
- Parameters:
order_id (str)