

To use bse, first install it using pip:

$ pip install bse


from bse import BSE

bse = BSE()

bse.exit() # close requests session
Using ‘with’ statement
with BSE() as bse:


class bse.BSE(download_folder: str | Path)

Unofficial Python Api for BSE India


download_folder (pathlib.Path or str) – A folder/dir to save downloaded files and cookie files


ValueError – if download_folder is not a folder/dir

General Methods


Close the Request session

BSE.getScripName(scripcode) str

Get stock symbol name for BSE scrip code


scripcode – BSE scrip code

  • ValueError – if scrip not found

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


Symbol code

Return type:


Example 500180 -> ‘HDFCBANK’


Get BSE scrip code for stock symbol name


scripname – Stock symbol code

  • ValueError – if scrip not found

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


BSE scrip code

Return type:


Example HDFCBANK -> ‘500180’

Download Reports

BSE.bhavcopyReport(date: datetime, folder: str | Path | None = None)

Download the daily bhavcopy report for specified date

  • date (datetime.datetime) – date of report

  • folder (str or pathlib.Path or None) – Optional dir/folder to save the file to

  • ValueError – if folder is not a dir/folder.

  • RuntimeError – if report is unavailable or not yet updated.

  • FileNotFoundError – if file download failed or file is corrupt.

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response


file path of downloaded report

Return type:


Zip file is extracted and saved filepath returned.

BSE.deliveryReport(date: datetime, folder: str | Path | None = None)

Download the daily delivery report for specified date

  • date (datetime.datetime) – date of report

  • folder (str or pathlib.Path or None) – Optional dir/folder to save the file to

  • ValueError – if folder is not a dir/folder.

  • RuntimeError – if report is unavailable or not yet updated.

  • FileNotFoundError – if file download failed or file is corrupt.

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response


file path of downloaded report

Return type:


Zip file is extracted, converted to CSV, and saved filepath is returned

Corporate Filings

BSE.announcements(page_no: int = 1, from_date: datetime | None = None, to_date: datetime | None = None, segment: Literal['equity', 'debt', 'mf_etf'] = 'equity', scripcode: str | None = None, category: str = '-1', subcategory: str = '-1') Dict[str, List[dict]]

All corporate announcements

  • from_date (datetime.datetime or None) – (Optional) From date.

  • to_date (datetime.datetime or None) – (Optional) To date.

  • segment (str) – Default equity. One of equity, debt or mf_etf.

  • category (str) – (Optional) Filter announcements by category ex. Corp. Action

  • subcategory (str) – (Optional). Filter announcements by subcategory ex. Dividend.

  • ValueError – if from_date is greater than to_date or subcategory argument is passed without category

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


All announcements. Sample response

Return type:

dict[str, list[dict]]

Response is a dictionary containing Table and Table1 keys.

  • Response is paginated. Increment the page_no on every call, to get all announcements.

  • Table is a list of dictionary announcements.

  • data['Table1'][0]['ROWCNT'] is an integer total of all announcements. Use this info, to increment page_no

With no arguments, returns all announcements for current day and time by page_no.


In most cases, it is faster and more bandwidth efficient to lookup by scripcode. Unless you specifically need to download all announcements. On a typical day, BSE could have 50+ pages and 2K+ announcements.

Provide from_date and to_date to return announcements in date range. If not provided, the current date and time is considered.

Provide scripcode to return announcements for the specified stock.

Provide category and or subcategory to filter announcements.

  • subcategory is specific to category.

  • category is required if subcategory is passed.

Available Constants:

  • segment: bse.constants.SEGMENT

  • category: bse.constants.CATEGORY

BSE.actions(segment: Literal['equity', 'debt', 'mf_etf'] = 'equity', from_date: datetime | None = None, to_date: datetime | None = None, by_date: Literal['ex', 'record', 'bc_start'] = 'ex', scripcode: str | None = None, sector: str = '', purpose_code: str | None = None) List[dict]

All forthcoming corporate actions

  • segment (str) – Default equity. One of equity, debt or mf_etf.

  • from_date (datetime.datetime) – (Optional). From date. Defaults to

  • to_date (datetime.datetime) – (Optional). To date. Defaults to

  • by_date (str) – Default ex. One of ex, record, bc_start

  • scripcode (str) – (Optional) Limit result to stock symbol

  • sector (str) – (Optional) Limit results to stocks from sector.

  • purpose_code (str) – Limit result to actions with given purpose

  • ValueError – if from_date is greater than to_date

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


List of actions. Sample response

Return type:


With no arguments, returns all forthcoming corp. actions.

Provide from_date and to_date to return corp. actions in date range

By default, actions are returned by Ex date. To change this, specify by_date as record (record date) or bc_start (book closure start date)

Provide scripcode to return actions for the specified stock.

Provide sector to limit results to stocks in given sector.

Provide purpose_code to limit actions to given purpose ex. P5 for bonus. Use bse.constants.PURPOSE to pass argument.

Available Constants:

  • sector: bse.constants.SECTOR

  • purpose_code: bse.constants.PURPOSE

BSE.resultCalendar(from_date: datetime | None = None, to_date: datetime | None = None, scripcode: str | None = None) List[dict]

Corporate result calendar

  • from_date (datetime.datetime) – (Optional). From date.

  • to_date (datetime.datetime) – (Optional). To date

  • scripcode (str) – (Optional). Limit result to stock symbol

  • ValueError – if from_date is greater than to_date

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


List of Corporate results. Sample response

Return type:


With no parameters, returns all forthcoming result dates.

Provide from_date and to_date to filter by date range.

Provide scripcode to filter by stock.

Market Updates and Summary

BSE.gainers(by: Literal['group', 'index', 'all'] = 'group', name: str | None = None, pct_change: Literal['all', '10', '5', '2', '0'] = 'all') List[dict]

List of top gainers

  • by (str) – Default group. One of group, index or all.

  • name (str) – (Optional). Stock group name or Market index name.

  • pct_change (str) – Default all. Filter stocks by percent change. One of 10, 5, 2, 0.

  • ValueError – if name is not a valid BSE stock group.

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


List of top gainers by percent change. Sample response

Return type:


When by is group, name defaults to BSE stock group A.

When by is index, name defaults to market index S&P BSE SENSEX.

When by is all, name is ignored.

By default, all stocks are returned. If pct_change is provided, stocks are filtered by range of percent change.

  • 10: greater than 10%

  • 5: 5% to 10%

  • 2: 2% to 5%

  • 0: upto 2%

Available Constants:

  • name: bse.constants.INDEX. Only if by is set to index

BSE.losers(by: Literal['group', 'index', 'all'] = 'group', name: str | None = None, pct_change: Literal['all', '10', '5', '2', '0'] = 'all') List[dict]

List of top losers

  • by (str) – Default group. One of group, index or all.

  • name (str) – (Optional). Stock group name or Market index name.

  • pct_change (str) – Default all. Filter stocks by percent change. One of 10, 5, 2, 0.

  • ValueError – if name is not a valid BSE stock group.

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


List of top losers by percent change. Sample response

Return type:


When by is group, name defaults to BSE stock group A.

When by is index, name defaults to market index S&P BSE SENSEX.

When by is all, name is ignored.

By default, all stocks are returned. If pct_change is provided, stocks are filtered by range of percent change.

  • 10: less than -10%

  • 5: -5% to -10%

  • 2: -2% to -5%

  • 0: upto -2%

Available Constants:

  • name: bse.constants.INDEX. Only if by is set to index

BSE.near52WeekHighLow(by: Literal['group', 'index', 'all'] = 'group', name: str | None = None) Dict[str, List[dict]]

Get stocks near 52 week highs and lows

  • by (str) – Default group. One of group, index or all.

  • name (str) – (Optional). Stock group name or Market index name.

  • ValueError – if name is not a valid BSE stock group.

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


Stocks near 52 week high and lows. Sample response

Return type:


  • When by is group, name defaults to BSE stock group A.

  • When by is index, name defaults to market index S&P BSE SENSEX.

  • When by is all, name is ignored.

The result is a dictionary with keys high and low.

  • high is a list of dictionary containing stocks near 52 week high.

  • low is a list of dictionary containing stocks near 52 week low.

Available Constants:

  • name: bse.constants.INDEX. Only if by is set to index

BSE.quote(scripcode) Dict[str, float]

Get OHLC quotes for given scripcode


scripcode (str) – BSE scrip code

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


OHLC data for given scripcode. Sample response

Return type:

dict[str, float]

BSE.quoteWeeklyHL(scripcode) dict

Get 52 week and monthly high & low data for given stock.


scripcode (str) – BSE scrip code

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


Weekly and monthly high and lows with dates. Sample response

Return type:


BSE.listSecurities(industry: str = '', scripcode: str = '', group: str = 'A', segment: str = 'Equity', status: str = 'Active') List[dict]

List all securities and their meta info like symbol code, ISIN code, industry, market cap, segment, group etc.

  • industry (str) – (Optional) Filter by industry name

  • scripcode (str) – (Optional) BSE scrip code

  • group (str) – Default ‘A’. BSE stock group

  • segment – Default ‘Equity’. One of equity, mf, Preference Shares, Debentures and Bonds, Equity - Institutional Series, Commercial Papers

  • status – Default ‘Active’. One of active, suspended, or delisted

  • ValueError – if group is not a valid BSE stock group

  • TimeoutError – if request timed out with no response

  • ConnectionError – in case of HTTP error or server returns error response.


list of securities with meta info. Sample response

Return type:


With no arguments, returns all active A group equity stocks

Available Constants:

  • industry: bse.constants.INDUSTRY

  • segment: bse.constants.SEGMENT

  • status: bse.constants.STATUS