.. csv_loader documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Oct 14 10:54:56 2024. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. fast_csv_loader =============== **fast_csv_loader** is a fast and memory efficient way to load large CSV files (Timeseries data) into Pandas Dataframes. Python version: >= 3.8 GitHub Source: `BennyThadikaran/fast_csv_loader `_ The ``csv_loader`` function efficiently loads a partial portion of a large CSV file containing time-series data into a pandas DataFrame. The function allows: - Loading the last N lines of the file. - Loading the last N lines from a specific date. It can load any type of time-series (both timezone aware and Naive). It handles both daily or intraday data. **It is useful for loading large datasets that may not fit entirely into memory.** **It also improves program execution time, when iterating or loading a large number of CSV files.** ============ Installation ============ To use ``fast_csv_loader``, first install it using pip: .. code:: console pip install fast-csv-loader .. toctree:: Usage Algorithm